IMAGE® Kills Nutsedge Ready-to-Spray
Use IMAGE® Kills Nutsedge Ready-to-Spray to give your lawn the look you've always wanted without the weeds. It is a post-emergent, selective weed killer for use in southern turf grass and selected ornamentals.
IMAGE® herbicide targets the toughest southern weeds, including yellow and purple nutsedge, dollar weed, wild onion and annual blue grass. Contains a patented ingredient that starves weeds to death.
Kills nutsedge in warm season grasses. Kills tough weeds, including nutsedge, dollarweed, wild onion, sandbur, and annual bluegrass.
Can be used safely on most southern grasses, see label for specifics.
Ready-To-Spray treats 8000 sq. ft.
Poa Annua
Wild Onion or Garlic
IMAGE® Kills Nutsedge Ready-to-Spray Application Instructions
Apply IMAGE® Kills Nutsedge Ready-to-Spray on summer weeds following the spring green up of the turf and preceding the onset of winter dormancy. To prevent severe discoloration, applications should not be made before or during turf transition or during periods of very slow growth. NOTE: Do NOT apply to St. Augustine lawns for winter weed control.
Applying IMAGE® Herbicide is easy and requires little cleanup. You can use IMAGE® Kills Nutsedge for spot treatments with a trigger or pump up sprayer or treat large areas with a hose end sprayer.
When using IMAGE, you should expect to see weed discoloration in 1 to 2 weeks and dead weeds in 3 to 5 weeks.
Using Connect & Spray:
Make sure knob control lever is in the OFF position. Shake well and attach to hose.
Turn water on at faucet, aim nozzle toward lawn and turn control lever to ON to begin spraying. The product will automatically siphon and mix the water.
When finished, turn control lever to OFF position. Turn faucet off. Discharge residual water pressure by turning control lever On and OFF again.
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Image Ready-To-Spray Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Kills Nutsedge 32 FLOZ pdf
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Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Kills Nutsedge Ready To Spray SDS pdf